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Use Staff Training to Maximize the Patient Experience

Use Staff Training to Maximize the Patient Experience

August 28, 2020
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Patient access teams are the face of your facility. These staff members must ask the right questions, gather accurate information, and establish trust with patients from all walks of life. If hospital staff cannot provide answers or proper assistance, patients become frustrated and confused.

The key is informed, high-quality PAS training. Read our white paper to find out how Aspirion can empower your employees to maximize the patient experience and increase operational efficiency.

When your employees can adeptly address questions and concerns, patients feel seen and heard. Your staff members, therefore, have a direct impact on both your patients and your facility’s reputation.

Positive experiences foster greater trust in your health system and create loyalty. In fact, satisfied patients spend more than those with poor experiences, and customer service is the leading reason. In addition to technical knowledge, customer service etiquette plays a major role in your facility’s success.

While the patient experience has always ranked as a high priority, now its impact on long-term profitability and revenue cycle trends is becoming more prominent in the industry. From the first consult to the final bill, every interaction should drive your team to display proficiency and attentive service to each person they serve.

Especially when it comes to workers’ comp, VA, and motor vehicle accident claims, your staff must know which questions will identify the best path to reimbursement without adding stress for your patients. Crucial information can be collected in just a few minutes—as long as your team is properly trained.

At Aspirion, we are able to equip your staff to maximize their time with patients and manage their claims with excellence. We’ll provide all the material you and your patients need to understand complex claims processes.

Download our complete staff training white paper to learn how you can boost the patient experience, expand your revenue, and sharpen staff efficiency in today’s healthcare environment.



Aspirion has mastered the art of recovering healthcare's hardest-to-collect claims. We combine deep expertise with powerful AI to maximize revenue across denials, underpayments, aged receivables, and complex claims including motor vehicle accident, workers' compensation, Veterans Affairs, and out-of-state Medicaid. Our specialized team of attorneys, clinicals, claims specialists, and data engineers handle the heavy lifting so you can focus on patient care. Today, we serve providers nationwide, including 12 of the 15 of the nation's largest health systems.

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Find out how Aspirion’s Revenue Cycle Management services will optimize reimbursement for your most challenging claims.